So I think everyone would agree that low blood sugars suck.
The whole process of getting low and feeling low just sucks. First, you somehow input too many carbs for a meal or you correct too much for a high BG or you're running so fast from your responsibilities that you work your body into a low. Then once enough time has passed that you forget about this potential cause of said low, you feel shaky and dizzy and clammy and mad at the world for no real reason. And finally, you check and you're 60 and you eat an entire roll of club crackers while trying to remember why you went low in the first place.
In case you didn't catch on, that happened to me yesterday. It's the 5th time it's happened since I've been home for the summer, and let me tell you: it sucks.
I made plans this summer to start eating more healthy, to work out daily, and to feel better in my own skin. This of course goes hand in hand with quality diabetes care, right? Wrong.
Checking BG regularly and eating a well-balanced diet certainly helps with diabetes care and overall health, but there are so many variables in diabetes that throw the whole system off on a daily basis.
Going low is one example. It's a big wrench to be thrown, too. Yesterday, as I said, I went low at 11pm while I was doing a core workout in my room. Not only did my low interrupt my workout plan, but the roll of club crackers I ate totally threw off my healthy eating plan of the day as well, and I had a high BG two hours later.
Now obviously there were decisions I could have made so that my complaints regarding eating healthy are null and void. Yes, there are healthy options to bring up a low BG. Club crackers, even in smaller doses, would be fine. Fruit leather or orange juice also would have done the trick.
But if you ever go low late at night and enter a pantry where your options are a juice box or a box of clubhouse, I challenge you to go for the juice box and be satisfied. I should consider myself lucky I didn't find more to eat, because it was the kind of low that I felt like I could eat a house and still need more nourishment.
I'm not sure if these series of low BGs are self-caused changes in my regiment or just the causal effect of the universe determined to make my life difficult. It could be my moving home, my change in diet from school to home, the warmer weather (sunshine always makes insulin work more quickly for me), or if I need a change in my settings. It's likely to be a combination of them all.
Regardless of the cause, it sucks.
I'll check in again in a few weeks.
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