Friday, November 6, 2015

November woes: how to handle free lunch in college

Diabetes is a daily struggle. I promise I won't fill your newsfeed with a sob story every day of the month, but today I was especially aware of the weight of my disease so I thought I would share.
So much goes into management that no one sees. In the 26 seconds 4-5 times a day it takes me to check my blood sugar, there is calculation and consideration of physical activity, food intake, emotional state, etc. Every time I eat something I think of the carbohydrates and longevity of insulin and future activity. Whenever I feel tired, or hyper, or especially melancholy, I consider my blood glucose level. No matter what I'm doing diabetes is in the back of my mind.
All of this came to mind this morning before I attended a special topics lecture during my lunch hour. Food was provided- something every college student gets excited about- and while I was trying to take notes in a history class I found myself instead thinkinga bout what they would serve, how many carbs I might eat, and whether I cwould need to bolus for the meal before heading up to the lecture. It had already been a long morning so I thought about whether they would provide soda and then of course how quickly I'd need to get up there in order to grab a diet Pepsi because there is always less diet than regular (clearly I was desperate for caffeine because I'm a diet coke girl through and through.) All of this distracting me in class because the advertisement said "food provided" instead of "sandwich bar with cookies to be served, 30-70 carbs per meal." Wouldn't that be nice.
Anyway I enjoyed the lecture and guestimated the carbohydrate count for the pizza and non-diet soda they provided fairly well,, but my morning really centered on my invisible disease. Thanks for reading, I hope this snippet of a day in the life helps some people see how 24/7 diabetes is. Happy Blue Friday!!

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