Friday, April 11, 2014

Ten Years Ago Today

Ten years ago today I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. My diaversary isn’t something I usually celebrate, but a decade is a momentous and celebratory feat. I’ve come a long way since my diagnosis in carb counting, bolusing, and life-living with diabetes as a piece and not the focal point.  I’ve pumped my way through grade school, junior high and high school and I am now living a near-independent life with diabetes as a college student. Diabetes is no picnic. There have been countless tears shed and many punched pillows as a result of the rollercoaster that is diabetes management. Despite all of the difficulties diabetes has presented in my life- or maybe because of it- I have a life I am proud to be living.  My family and friends who have stuck by my side through incoherent babbling while low and senseless irritability while high mean the world to me.  There are so many experiences I wouldn’t have had if not for my diabetes. So many amazing people I’ve met might never have been in my life were it not for my non-functioning pancreas. My passion for advocacy, even my enthusiasm to major in political science may never have come to the surface. Although I often blame diabetes for ruining my social life or mood of the hour, it has also enriched my life in more ways than I can count.

            So on my ten year anniversary of my diagnosis I will focus on the many positives. I can look back on the many advances diabetes management has made in a decade and look hopefully at the next ten years. From that first night in the hospital, walking around with my mom well past midnight, I know I would only let diabetes be a reason to improve both myself and the awareness of the people around me. It’s nice to look back and feel that I did- am still doing- just that. Here’s to ten years.

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